Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Machiavelli, Egoism, Good Government

Let's say that there's an election coming up for some sort of executive position.  It could be Student Body President, it could be Head of School, it could be Mayor of Houston, it could be President of the United States.  There are two candidates:

Candidate A)  An exceedingly well-educated person of the utmost integrity, who graduated law school with highest honors, who has one Ph.D. in Christian Ethics and another in Economics, who is completely honest and straightforward, who is open and clear about goals and ideas -- in sum, a perfectly virtuous person.

Candidate B) A modern-day Machiavellian Prince, who's memorized Robert Greene's 48 Laws of Power and puts them into practice at every opportunity.

Who would be the more effective leader?  
Who would be the better leader?  
Who would you vote for?  Why?  
Who would you rather be friends with?  Why?
Who would you rather work for after college?  Why?

Feel free to be creative in your answers!  Also, please be sure to spell-check and proof-read your comments (as you should all your submitted work), or your grade will surely suffer.

This post is due by Friday 8AM.

Dan Binder
Religion Instructor
Episcopal High School
aim: MisterBinder
(713) 512 3414


  1. Sometimes the best leader isn't necessarily your best friend too. They are faced with difficult decisions constantly, that in the end, will most likely lead to someone being unhappy. I think the most effective leader is going to be someone who gets the job done, which really could be either. However, based on political situations that call for someone who is not afraid to hurt others, I think the modern-day Machiaveliian Prince would be most effective. Their is too much "dirty politics", going on that would eat up a kind and virtuous leader. In order for a country to be successful, some toes have to be stepped on. I would rather vote for the virtuous person, because I wish we lived in a world where a Machiaveliian wasn't needed, but we don't. The virtuous person is someone I would base my life on, not someone I would ask to lead my country. I would be blessed to have a friend like the virtuous person Mr.Binder described. I would never have to feel self-conscious or constantly wonder if I was being judged. I'd rather work for a virtuous person too, but I'm not sure how long I would have a job. Respect is something that has to be earned, and it would be difficult for me to have respect for a backstabbing, over-powering boss.

  2. The most effective leader would be Candidate A because they would successfully achieve power quicker than the Candidate B. They ultimately do not have a moral compass and will knock anyone down in order to gain that power they want. They would be the most effective leader, although there ways are not morally correct. The better leader (and the one I would vote for) would be Candidate B because, unlike Candidate A, they are virtuous and have a moral compass. I would rather have someone like Candidate A as a leader because they are honest and virtuous and an all around good person and role model. I would rather be friends with Candidate A because they would be an honest friend, not a backstabbing, manipulative person like Candidate B. I would rather work for Candidate A after college because even if they may not be the most successful of the two, they got where they are because they were honest and virtuous, not backstabbing and criticizing.

  3. The more effective leader would be Candidate B because an effective leader takes a person who will find success no matter what it takes. I would vote for Candidate A though, because this person is sincere and would care more about what the people think that creating an empire under him. I would rather work for Candidate A and be friends with Candidate A because Candidate B follows the idea that his needs come first always, and to let no one get in his way. Leadership is a powerful thing and it takes a lot of selflessness, but to create a better school community you need a president who will listen to everyone’s ideas and give them credit for it.

  4. Who would be the more effective leader?
    I think they both would be very effective leaders. The second leader would be more effective in pushing forth what he wanted to get done in leading. The first leader would be effective more in making the people happy in doing the right thing rather than doing what makes him/her more powerful.
    Who would be the better leader?
    Same as what i said before. they both would be great leaders, except the first one would be a better leader. Better, meaning more ethical and godly leading assets.
    Who would you vote for? Why?
    I would vote for the first leader, becuase i would be scared to have a power hungry leader. That would mean that if he wanted power that bad he would do whatever was needed..no matter if it meant killing people or some other crazy thing.
    Who would you rather be friends with? Why?
    definantly the first leader. Well its a given, they would be most likely the more morally correct one to be friends with. Also they would probably be more kind and not just over powering.

  5. I think candidate B would by far be the more affective leader. Someone who leads using Robert Greene's laws of power will make better use of the power that he has in his position. They will be a much more efficient leader and do what is necessary, regardless of religion or ethics, to accomplish what is needed. I would give my vote to this person, without a doubt. I believe that holding a position of power requires responsibility and the need for efficiency. A person of Machiavellian nature would be very good at this because they will do anything to keep their power and influence. This ensures that they must do whatever is necessary to uphold their position to high standards. However, this person would not suffice as a very good friend. I would much rather have a person of integrity and high moral standards as a friend and boss after college. This person would always respect me for who I am and what I do. A person of Machiavellian nature would always look to one up me and trick me in order to maintain their power over me in a friendship. As a boss they would most likely hold me down instead of giving me the credit I deserve.

  6. Who would be the most effective leader is a difficult question because candidate A would be the most loyal and still to his/her word but candidate B would cause which ever organization he/she led to advance further than A would ever do. Personally, I believe that for the support and love from a mass of people can be created through deceit, although it is not the ethical way of doing it.
    A better leader, in my personal opinion, would be someone the people can fully and honestly trust, aka, candidate A. This is because a leader must be trusted to keep the peoples needs above their own.
    I would vote for the one who would be most effective and get things does that the people desire. Candidate A is my choice because his/her morals don't fluctuate like those of candidate B.
    It is obvious who I would rather be friends with, a selfless person who thinks of others before themselves. Why would anyone ever want to a friend who lies to you and goes back on their word? I certainty wouldn't.
    I actually think I would rather work for candidate B because even someone who continuously changes plans with a flip of the hat needs people beneath them to make the individual's plans take action.

  7. In my opinoiun the effective leader would be a becasue it seems that canadate B hides what he is doing. If a president is constently hideing his plans the people wouldnt trust him as much and soon people would start to rebel to an anarchy. I also would rather be friends with A becasue with b he goes by the 48 rules and one of the rules talks about how to use your enemies and keep your friends somewhat at a distance. After college i still would have to choose A not only because he would be a lot more friendlier then b but i would be able to learn so much more from him. I would absolutely vote for A. I beleive a leader is someone that communicates with his people, someone that lets his people know what is going on. If a leader is one with his people no one would be able to touch him because of how much power and back up he has from the people that he leads

  8. In today's society, the more effective leader would be candidate B because he would make the country a more powerful place to live in which would benefit the people because we would live in a better quality of life. A good leader isn't remembered for their personal relationships, but rather how they handled difficult situations, and a "Machiavellian Prince" would more likely be better at being a leader. On the other hand, candidate A would be a better leader to his people because he knows about ethics and would stick with his morality, ergo he would be a kinder ruler.
    On a personal basis, I would vote for candidate B because I would have faith that because he knows how to be powerful, he could help the country rise and stay at the top. I wouldn't choose candidate A because though he is probably more qualified for the job, having somebody simply follow their ethics in tough situations that a leader can get into would not necessarily result in the best possibly outcomes.
    However, just because I would vote for them doesn't mean that I would want to spend a lot of time with them. I would rather be friends with candidate A. If I were friends with B, I would have to live in constant apprehension that he would step on my back to climb higher up. A would be a much more interesting person to hang out around. He is very well educated, and, due to his strong virtuous integrity, he would act as a much better friend.
    Because of these qualities, I would also rather work for A. I wouldn't have to be afraid that I was being used in the work environment simply for the betterment of a single man. In addition, candidate A would probably have a more beneficial work environment not poisoned by the hostilities possible at the office of candidate B.

  9. The obviously more effective leader would be Candidate B because of their brashness. The better leader, though, would be Candidate A because of their virtuous nature. Leaders are looked up to by people. A virtuous leader would be a better roll model. Honestly, I would vote for Candidate B because they would get their work done, and maybe make more sacrifices and take more risks than Candidate A. Someone may think that these characteristics would make an irrational leader, but I think it takes risk to build up immunity in a government. On the other hand, I would honestly rather be friends with Candidate A because they would be nice and help me make good decisions. I could trust them because of their work ethic and responsibility. Also, I would rather work for Candidate A after college because they would obviously own a successful business because of their acedemic ability. If I was their friend too, I would be able to make my way to a high salary faster than if I wasn't their friend.
